

  • Staiano J. & Guerini M. “DepecheMood: a Lexicon for Emotion Analysis from Crowd Annotated News”. In Proceedings of the 52th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2014.
  • Guerini M. & Strapparava C. “Credible or Incredible? Dissecting Urban Legends”. In Proceedings of CICLing, 441-453, 2014.
  • Gatti L., Guerini M., Stock O. & Strapparava C. "Mocking ads through mobile web services". Computational Intelligence, 2014.
  • Gatti L., Guerini M., Stock O. & Strapparava C. "Sentiment Variations in Text for Persuasion Technology". In Proceedings of Persuasive Technologies, 2014. 
  • Gatti L., Guerini M., Stock O. & Strapparava C. "SUBVERTISER: mocking ads through mobile phones". In Proceedings of IUI, 2014. ACM, New York, USA, 41-44.

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