

  • Guerini M., Stock O., Zancanaro M., O'Keefe D.J., Mazzotta I., de Rosis F., Poggi I., Lim M. Y. & Aylett R. “Approaches to Verbal Persuasion in Intelligent User Interfaces”. In P. Petta, R. Cowie and C. Pelachaud (eds.) The HUMAINE Handbook on Emotion-Oriented Systems Technologies. Springer, 2011.
  • Guerini M. & Stock O. “Intelligent Persuasive Technologies: Prospects for Tourism”. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism , 12(2): 107-123, 2011.
  • Guerini M. & Strapparava C. “Persuasion and Social Contagion”. in Proceedings of the SocialCom Workshop on Social Behavioral Analysis and Behavioral Change, Boston, 2011.
  • Strapparava C., Guerini M. & Ozbal G. “Persuasive Language and Virality in Social Networks”. in Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction conference (ACII), 2011. Nominee for Best Paper Award.
  • Guerini M., Strapparava C. & Ozbal G. “Exploring Text Virality in Social Networks”. In Proceedings of the Fifth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), 2011.
  • Guerini M., Strapparava C. & Stock O. “Slanting Existing Text with Valentino”. In Proceedings of IUI2011, Palo Alto, CA, 2011.

PhD in Information and Communication Technologies. Personal website.

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